What does being “Spiritual” really mean?

Many people mistake being spiritual with being religious but there is a stark difference in what being spiritual actually means.

When you think of spirituality, what does this mean to you? Do you have visions of a guru spitting crossed legged somewhere, a shaman you wisely listen to or a deity placed somewhere that you pray to, or is it more of a daily practice to be “spiritual”? Many people mistake being spiritual with being religious and whilst there is overlap there is a stark difference in what being spiritual actually means. So let’s unpack this…

Firstly, let’s get back to basics for a moment. I want you to take a good long hard look at your physical body and just notice that beautiful incredible miraculous form of a human being you actually are. No judgment of the parts you don’t like, instead just marvel at the miracle you are. Ok so that’s the physical part of you being human.

Now, let’s take it up a notch.

When you break down the physical human into the smallest molecules of the smallest cells, you are just atoms - yep pure energy and very little else - well 0.1% matter. You’re 99.9% energy. So you’re energetic too. But you also have thoughts and feelings that occupy your body - so you’re also a mental and emotional being…

But you’re also a spiritual being...

In fact, this is SO important, I want you to know this.

You are a spiritual being having a physical experience… it is not the other way round. Truth.

So what is your spiritual self? I know you know deep down… Your spirit is the part of you you so often ignore (or are even unaware of). It’s that little voice inside that fills you with enthusiasm and excitement when you feel the desire to do something that feels right just for you. It’s THAT one. It’s the part of you that wants to be THE guiding light in your life. That’s your spiritual self - the truth of who you really are, deep down inside.

So why don’t we live like this?

Because we’re not taught to. Instead we live our lives unconsciously from our mental and emotional beings. Driven by our thoughts and beliefs, that created a “perception” of life, but this isn’t truth. This was imprinted on to you, programmed and conditioned into us as children making us think we should be and live a certain way, expecting the external world to validate and approve of us, instead of trusting the guidance of your true self, the voice of your heart. When you choose to become spiritual, instead of thinking your way through life, instead you are led by how you feel deep down inside, you sense your intuition, your 6th sense innate way of being - that’s being spiritual. As the shamans, healers, sages, and wisdom keepers of all times across the world in their ageless wisdom, say human spirituality is composed of taking time to look inward and experience your true nature.

So really, to become spiritual, all you need to do is to start listening and living from that place. Let that voice become the loudest by choosing to listen inward and dare to live from that place. Make decisions based on what feels good to you - which might feel scary if this is brand new for you and you’ve spent your life living according to what you think you should be doing. You don’t need to see a guru, you already know that higher self is inside of you, it’s about choosing to live in accordance with it. When you live from that seat of self - that space of “consciousness”, of who you really are, you’re no longer being drawn into the contortion of the false self, you’ll see that your spiritual self is THE answer to creating the life of your dreams.

But really in essence, to really become more spiritual, it’s about you learning to trust yourself, allowing yourself to be guided by that inner voice, knowing what works best for you in alignment with your soul, and being willing to step into your true power. It might require you to do some soul searching and forgiveness as you peel back all that you’re not, so you can step into who you were always meant to be.

I know that by being led by my soul, residing in my heart and letting that guide me in life is me being spiritual. I revere, and gracefully acknowledge that we are all one, and when I live in alignment with who I really am, I create a life of effortless ease and harmony, bringing my gifts to the world so I can serve and contribute to make the world a better place. That’s being spiritual.

Tools and techniques to advance your spiritual practice:

  • So how do you become spiritual? How do you come home to yourself? Well there are many obvious practices such as meditating to quieten your chatter in your head, so you can hear your truth. You can also practice tapping (join my free En.R.G. Tapping Circle here) to release blocked energy of old negative emotions stopping you connecting to the high vibe creation you’re meant to be.

    Subconscious journaling (brain dumping so you clean the slate and gain clarity)
  • Connecting with nature (the most incredible display of pure abundance and energy of love)
  • Tapping (to release you of all that you’re not)
  • Visualisation (key element to create what you want in life and know if it’s right for you)
  • Immersing yourself in sound baths (to raise your frequency).
  • Chanting (to calm down your brain, create focus and concentration so you connect with yourself and keep true to your desires)
  • Studying sacred texts (learning parables, wisdom passed through the ages to keep you on your path)
  • Sitting in silence (So you can really listen within and connect to yourself)
  • Breathwork (to connect with the lifeforce and focus on how your body feels)
  • Practicing acceptance of what is (that life happens as us and we are meant to live as live flows, not try and control it)
  • Self awareness (making choices that feel good to us instead of being on automatic)
  • Practicing gratitude for all you have (the best practice to raise your vibration)
  • Creating connection with yourself and with others (send out love, joy, gratitude).
  • Falling in love with who you really are and (to truly demonstrate self love by listening to your wants and needs)
  • Knowing your true values and living in accordance with them (live in alignment with that is uniquely important to you)

Living life full of purpose and meaning (when you choose to live in alignment with who you are, life flows, you feel fulfilled and you are bringing your gift to the world.

Ultimately, spirituality is a broad concept that means different things for everyone. For some it might be looking for a bigger power of force, for others, it might be about meaning in their lives, for others it might be about finding calmness.

Whatever Spirituality uniquely means to you - there is no doubt that when you choose to live from a spiritual place, getting more in touch with yourself, others and the world around you, your life will be a happy and more fulfilling place.

With love and gratitude always, Di x

Categories: : spirituality